予選ラウンド 第二日目終了時点の団体成績
Team Result ( After 2nd Preliminal day )
Place Country Point
1 Japan 5809.187
2 United States of America (USA) 5366.690
3 Germany 5341.642
4 Italy 5117.007
5 France 4995.498
6 Austria 4980.307
7 United Kingdom 4915.643
8 Korea 4639.719
9 Canada 4452.641
10 Switzerland 4284.206
11 Finland 4117.616
12 Australia 4074.694
13 Norway 4060.340
14 Sweden 2742.307
15 Indonesia 2612.804
16 Cyprus 2570.787
17 The Netherlands 2391.852
18 Israel 1574.348
19 Denmark 1446.921
20 Russia 1202.588
21 New Zealand 1116.199
