The day 2nd (4.Oct.)
Preliminaly 1R

Opening ceremony

Competition Director
Kakamigahara mayor
Mr. Asano
Kagamigahara Aerospace museum
Superintendent Mr. Nagaura
The Ichinomiya Heli Club
Chairman Mr. Hayashi

Model flight for judges.
Model flight pilot
Ichinomiya Heli Club
Model flight for judges.
Judge meeting

It started on schedule for preliminary Round 1. It starts from No. 41 (Yoshihiro Hayashi).
The weather started with fine weather, the good condition of the left-like breeze.
Ito was at the gain top about the high score at afternoon.
All the day of flight condition was good.
All the contestants did the brilliant flight.

Mr.Susuda (twins)
Left Yoshihiro (younger brother)
Right Masahiro (elder brother)
The jet fighter from the nearby Gifu base
The monitor of score news flash
F3C world championship Japan team original T-shirt

(C)Ichiro Komori,All right reserved